The Anaheim Breakfast Club is a President's-Distinguished Club chartered on Feb 1st, 1965. We are a local chapter of District100, Division P, of Toastmasters International, serving the Cities of Anaheim, Placentia, Fullerton, and Orange.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Formerly, we enjoyed a warm breakfast meal for $12.50 while having fun during the meeting every Tuesday morning. However, with the impact that the coronavirus has locally and worldwide. The ABC club is currently conducting weekly meetings online. It’s a great way to keep people connected and keep the momentum going during this period.

Our meetings are held every Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 AM Pacific Time. With our weekly meetings, you’ll conquer your fear of Public Speaking, and you’ll get the leadership training you need to advance your career. It’s fun!  Guest Packet

Please contact us for more info for our Zoom meetings.

Join us on Zoom every Tuesday at 7AM

 Start your day with the Anaheim Breakfast Club!


Club Scheduled Activities

Our ABC Club's Schedule - August 2024

New Clubs are Launching! 

Check out and sign up for any new clubs @ Sign up Form for New Clubs 

Officers & LACE Training 

Club officer training is one of the keys to a successful club. Every 6 months, the officers of the Anaheim Breakfast Club attend a specialized training tailored to each specific office.

More Information

Although our meetings have been on Zoom since March of 2020, we have just as much fun if we were in person! Come join us on Tuesday mornings for an experience you will never forget!!

See above on how to contact us… 

Photos of our hybrid meeting from January 23rd 2024 at Denny's in Fullerton - next hybrid meeting to be held on April 9th at the Denny's in Fullerton... See you there!

How Do We Have Fun at The Anaheim Breakfast Club?

After fifty-five years of meeting face-to-face at Carrow’s, The House of Pancakes, and now Jagerhaus, it seemed impossible for the members of Anaheim Breakfast Club that we would ever meet via the internet.

Yet, here we are, meeting at our usual 7 AM hour via the internet, and doing it very well! It has been a virtual revelation that we can make that happen. The on-line meetings began in March and will continue until we are told that we can again meet inside our beloved Jagerhaus Restaurant in Anaheim. The unexpected gift to the club is that we always have at least the same number of attendees as we did in person, often more. Add to that are the wonderful visitors who might typically be unable to come to the restaurant because of time and distance. Now they simply have to roll out of bed, turn on the computer and log on to the meeting room. Anaheim Breakfast Club ended this Toastmasters year as President’s Distinguished for the 15th year running. We have established a habit of excellence, which stems from our focus on helping every member achieve their goals. We welcome visitors and encourage our guests to become members of this exceptional and successful club.